Hello??? (Echo, echo, echo.....)
>> Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Things are starting to settle down a bit here - sort of.
On Thursday night, my laptop finally died. No power, no spark, nothing. So on Friday morning, My Marine took it in to The Geek Squad. I figured it was safer to have him do it than me since I was tempted to just throw it at them and scream FIX IT NOW in my best PMS-like voice. (You know the one ladies, that voice that sounds like Satan is rising from deep inside you....)
After we picked up Nani at VBS Friday afternoon, we drove up to Breckenridge - in the mountains of Colorado - for our state's Family Readiness conference. I recently took on the role of being our unit's FRG (Family Readiness Group) leader and hubby is the unit coordinator. (I wasn't doing this alone!). I'm really excited about this and the entire weekend was a blast! I will write more about the conference and the awesome speakers we had over the next few days!
So, we got back late Sunday night, had a couple hours on Monday to recover before My Marine left again this morning for another couple days of duty. Hopefully he'll have the holiday weekend off!
But I can't complain too much -- especially since he left his laptop behind for me to use. What a sweetie!
So, I'll be back throughout the week with some great book reviews, giveaways, and tales from the mountain getaway! I'll be catching up with some blog reading too!
Can't wait to see what you've all been up to!
Sorry to hear about your computer. You are handeling it very well. Hope they can fix it.
Glad you had a wonderful weekend.
Sorry to hear about your laptop! Hope they're able to fix it! Good of the Marine to leave his for you to use!
Sounds like a great weekend, and it's pretty neat that your DH also participates in FRG.
Glad you are back and had such a good weekend. Sorry about your computer, I hope they can fix it up again!
Oh hope you get your laptop back good as new! And so good to hear that you have your hubby's until then.
Whew! You do have your hand's full keepoing buys with your babies, hubby :o), house and now FRG! :o)
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Blessings & Aloha!
(I hope you don't mind me mentioning this: Please do keep me in mind if your group is looking for farewell gifts for the guys. and feel free to please pass along my blog, etsy, etc...to the others in your group.)
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