Tot School - 2 weeks combined (26 months)

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

Tot School
(Nudgie is 26 months old)

Well, the past two weeks have been interesting.  Since I didn't have my laptop, I didn't get to do as much with Tot School as I wanted since most of my files were on my computer.  And then my daddy came to visit and we were having lots of fun with Grandpap!  So, with the few activities we did do, I decided to combine two weeks into one post.

I've decided to keep a fall theme through Thanksgiving, trying to do some fun, fall activities every week.

One theme we did was apples.  Everything was apples!  Snacks, stories, activities.  I don't have too many pictures of the other things we did, but a favorite was the apple painting.  Nudgie had a ball with this one!  And when Nani came home from school, she had to get into the fun too!

The next week, our theme was pumpkins!  (This one is my favorite, so I think we're going to be repeating it!)  Thanks to an idea from 1+1+1=1, we decided to make this little fall scene.  I pulled out some cardboard sheets from a box, some gift wrap rolls, toilet paper rolls, an egg carton and a drink carrier from McDonald's. 

The girls painted the cardboard and rolls brown.  I cut the egg carton and drink carrier into separate pieces and then the girls painted them orange for their pumpkins.  Nudgie had a little help from Grandpap!

After the paint dried, then we glued the leaves on the branches.

And viola!  The finished products!

We also worked on the letter "P".  Nudgie had lots of fun using her pumpkin stickers on her letter P pages.

We also worked with magnets and do-a-dot paint (using the do-a-dot printables from Confessions of a Homeschooler)

Her favorite activity (after painting) was counting out pumpkins.  I found these cute magnetic pictures frames at Office Depot on clearance for $1.  I bought a couple in different colors and put them on Nudgie's magnet board.  We practiced counting out pumpkins and putting them in the different frames.


Have a great week everyone!


Ruthie October 11, 2010 at 10:35 AM  

I love your idea for making egg carton/drink carrier pumpkins - they turned out so cute!

Stefanie October 11, 2010 at 10:35 AM  

Looks like a lot of fun. We're in the middle of a fall theme too. We did apples last week but didn't get around to apple painting yet. Life got in the way. But we did make mini-apple pies. Yummy!

Andrea October 11, 2010 at 7:22 PM  

What a great idea to put the apple on a fork! My tot did that activity too, but she had a hard time holding onto the apple. :)

Dorie October 12, 2010 at 5:47 AM  

What neat activities. I especially like the tree. We are going to be starting a tree unit soon, and I might just have to try that with our little one. Thanks for sharing.
I'm visiting from ABC and 123 link-up.

MaryAnne October 12, 2010 at 12:03 PM  

That high chair (?) your daughter is sitting in looks so neat! So much room to craft!

Very cute crafts, too! =)

RedTedArt October 13, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

Oh my! What a load of fabulous crafts! Love all the egg carton and drink carton pumpkins! And of course the fork idea is great ;-)

Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty! Much appreciated!!


Anonymous October 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM  

The forks to print is such a great idea. I love the frames for sorting. I will need to keep my eyes out for some.

cathy @ NurtureStore October 14, 2010 at 3:27 PM  

Thank you so much for linking up with us at the Play Academy. Great craft ideas - and I love the photos which show your daughter concentrating so hard!

Katie from ABC&123: A Learning Cooperative October 18, 2010 at 1:28 PM  

I love that project, super cute, and featured it in tomorrow's post:)

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