DIY Peg Number Boards
>> Tuesday, September 20, 2011
While searching for a birthday gift for Nudgie, I came across these at Lakeshore Learning....
I LOVED the concept, but didn't love the price ($34.95). I started searching for a cheaper version, and in the end, decided that I would make my own.
I was lucky enough to find some scrap wood at a local garage sale for free. (I'll admit that it was actually in a paint bucket that she was using as a trash can. So does that make me an official trashpicker now??) We had the paint already and the only thing I ended up buying was a bag of golf tees for $3.
My Marine graciously cut the wood down to size for me and then I pulled out my favorite power tool (my sander!) and got to work!
Once sanded and all cleaned up, I then put on a couple coats of paint. It was a nice day, so fortunately, they dried pretty quickly too!
After they were dry, I started to put the numbers on, but the stencils I had were too big. So I went online, found some numbers and printed them out. I then reduced them on my copier, cut them out with hubby's Exacto-Knife and then painted them on the boards. (I apologize because for some reason, I don't have a photo of these being painted!)
Once those were dry, I pulled out my second-favorite power tool - the drill - and drilled the holes in the board. My Marine did a great job of setting up the drill bit so that the golf tees fit perfectly. (And I only drilled completely through about 4 holes!)
All done!!
And that was it!!! Now it was time to play!!
Total Cost to Make: $3
Wood - Free
Paint - Free
Stencils - Free
Golf Tees - $3
Much better than $34.95 (plus shipping!), I'd say!!!

Super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm impressed! Very cute peg boards!
Not only did you make your own, but yours is wood, not plastic - and your pegs are more easily replaced than those soon-to-be-lost plastic pegs. Awesome project!
By the way, I read more of your blog (saw your post today on chocolatemuffintree on FB), and see that you're a military spouse. Some of our military spouse friends (one Army and one Navy) suggested that we have a military coupon code because our emphasis on made-in-USA toys fit with their beliefs. We created one: USM20 gives 20% off everything at Just thought I would share that with you; feel free to share it or not. Regardless, your blog is great!
Oh I just love how nicely you made these and thanks for letting me know the post was up. Now I have to make my own! :)I will share this on my FB page!
Oh my goodness I NEED these. My husband is a contractor so hopefully he will be able to scrounge up some leftover pieces of wood for us to use! Thank you so much for sharing the girls will love these and there is no way I would pay over $34 for them either :)
They turned out very cute! Way better than the alternative!
What a great idea! I love how they turned out - brilliant!
What a fab idea!!
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