Tot School - Letter M
>> Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We really had a FUN week learning about the letter "M"! Anything that involves M and M's is a good thing!!!
We started off the week with basic letter recognition. I gave her some large letter "M" pages and then had her stamp the letter M as well as glue letter M's all over. She really enjoyed doing this, so I think this will be something I'll keep doing for each letter coming up.
To work on fine moter skills I gave her a "sewing" activity to do. I found this sink mat at the Dollar Tree. I then took a big safety pin and put a little duct tape around the top so that it wouldn't pop open and stab little fingers. I fed some yarn through the bottom of the safety pin and then added a wooden bead at the end so that it wouldn't pull through as she was "sewing". I found that this was another hit with Nudgie, and I'd often find her sitting quietly "sewing".
We're also starting to learn name recognition. I took some blank word strips and stamped Nudgie's name on one of them. Then I gave her some blank sheets and had her stamp her name herself. Our other activity was to find the letters in her name. I buried the letters in some craft gravel and she had to find the letters and then match them to her name.
We also practiced some pre-writing skills with both the letter M and some basic line tracing. This was yet another hit. Nudgie was so proud of herself when she would "write" like big sister, Nani!
We played with our number peg boards and shapes puzzles.
Making random pictures without a pattern |
We read "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear". To emphasize what we were reading, we read the book twice. Once, just straight through and then a second time, we acted out the story using a little mouse and a strawberry.
We finished up our letter M week with:
A letter M match game
A "m"onkey shape puzzle match
And our favorite!
M&M color match and pattern work. We don't keep a lot of candy or sweets in the house, so this was a big treat for Nudgie (and mommy too!)
Hope everyone has a great week!

She seems to have a fabulous attention span!
The m&m worksheets look like a lot of fun!
Great activities! I especially love the sewing activity! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
What wonderful fun at Tot School :o) Great job little one! You did awesome finding the letter stamps for your name!
Blessings & Aloha!
I read that you have been busy enjoying your mom's visit. Just a quick reminder, (Please know that I don't mean to be a bug!) leave that short comment on my post announcing your name being selected for the $50 NOVICA certificate. All you have to say is something short like "Yes, I'm interested." :o)
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