October Goals
>> Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Wait!! When did it become October? Didn't I just write my September goals?? It seems that Nani just started school yesterday?! I really hate that time passes by so quickly!!
I'm a little behind on my monthly goals post. My mom is in town and when she's in town I lose my morning time downstairs in the family room, so that cuts down a lot on my computer/blogging time. Which, overall, isn't a bad thing!
A lot of my goals for October are carry-overs from September. I did get a few things accomplished, but overall I need to put a little more of an effort into a few of my goals below.
Goals for October:
Continue to work on FRG (Family Readiness Group) commitments; Reach out to families, soldiers and spouses - Community
Continue to have family time at dinner at least 3x a week (pending My Marine's schedule) and plan a date night with My Marine - Family
Continue a workout routine and planning meals/menus - Health, Homemaking
Prayer time and reflection; Attend church services - Faith, Community, Family
Continue to make Christmas gifts for friends and family; Start Christmas list for family gifts - Community, Family, Creativity
Keep my chaos at home organized, try to stay on track with chores and finances; Start listing new items on eBay; Set up reward system for the girls' chore charts - Homemaking, Family
So do you have goals for October? Come link them up with Mama Smiles!
September flew by here, too!
I hope you enjoy your tiome with your mom!
Good luck with your October goals, and thanks for linking up!
Nice list. You are so ahead with your Christmas prep. I can't even start thinking of Christmas yet, not before Halloween :)
Enjoy your mom's visit! & sounds like wonderful October goals!
Blessings & Aloha!
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