Tot School - Letter A
>> Sunday, October 16, 2011

This week we focused on the letter "A" and apples. My camera was acting up a lot this week, so I don't have too many pictures! (Boo!)
We started off the week again with basic letter recognition. I was recently sent a DVD of Alphabet Songs from Have Fun Teaching.
I started off our lesson by putting on the Alphabet Song and then following it up with the Letter A song. Nudgie LOVED them and kept asking for them over and over. I think this will be a great way to start off our lessons now!
We then read "Chica Chica Boom Boom" and put our letter "A" on the coconut tree.
I gave her some large letter "A" pages and then had her stamp the letter A as well as glue letter A's all over. (This is when the camera decided to act up!)
We practiced our prewriting skills too. Nudgie is really loving this activity and is always asking for more. I found some great preschool workbooks at the Goodwill and ARC stores and have been using the prewriting exercises from those too.
We did more name recognition activities and I also added the word "apple" and had her find the letters in the craft gravel box.
We read lots of books this week, but a few of our favorites were "A Plump and Perky Turkey", "Disney's Sweet and Spooky Halloween", and "A - See It, Say It, Hear It".
We're also keeping track of our reading on our fall leaf tree. Nudgie has the yellow leaves and Nani has the red leaves.
We scooped:
We made a leaf book:
We finished up our letter A week with:
An apple shape match game
Our bible verse - "Keep me as the apple of Your eye"
"A is for Apple" Do-A-Dot
Hope everyone has a great week!

Wow, you had a busy week! What a fun selection of letter "A" activities!
We are putting letters on the coconut tree too =-) Love all your ideas here! Thanks for sharing!
I am starting a Linky Party if you want to link up at
It looks like you had a great week! I love your idea of searching for letters in the gravel box! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:
Cute ideas!
Great ideas and suggestions in this post! Thank you for linking up to the The Sunday Showcase
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