Starbucks, Twilight, and Mommy Talk

>> Sunday, June 13, 2010

So the other night, I got a call from a MOPS friend asking if I wanted to meet for coffee.  The chance doesn't come up often where I get to leave the house unaccompanied for any length of time, so I jumped at the opportunity.  We were going to use the time to go over the transition from her to me as the Publicity Coordinator for our MOPS group.  (Which I am a total ball of nerves over!)

Our little gathering soon expanded when two other MOPS friends walked into Starbucks shortly after I got there.  Turns out that they had planned a separate coffee date at the same time, same place.  So we all pulled up a chair, got our coffees, and settled in for some coffee talk.

I guess God knew that we all needed a break that night!

We talked about everything from creative ways to get your child to sleep in her own bed, Spanx, awkwardness in high school, and much more.  The conversation soon turned to movies and books and then eventually the Twilight series. I have never read the books nor have I seen any of the movies.  I just don't get all the hype.  I'm confused by the whole Team Edward, Team Jacob thing.  I'm confused by the debates over who's hotter -- the vampire dude with the pasty white skin that defies sunscreen or the werewolf dude with more back hair than the Italian baker in my old neighborhood back home.  I haven't seen this much hype since the whole Harry Potter craze.  And even then, I didn't jump on the whole Team Harry or Team Voldemort bandwagon.


(Can someone please clue me in to the whole "Sparkle" thing???)

But anyway - that night at Starbucks, I think I caved to mommy peer pressure.

I agreed to give it a shot and  read the Twilight book and/or watch the Twilight movie while My Marine is gone over the next two weeks.

I got home that night and checked out (because I really didn't want to pay full price for a book I may or may not like).  I got lucky and found someone who had the book -- so I used up one of my precious book credits for this book that I may or may not like.  Three days later the book showed up in my mailbox.  I took this as a sign since I NEVER receive books that fast -- EVER!

After I put the girls to bed, I curled up on my couch and tried to start reading with an open mind.  (Ironically, I was DVR'ing the movie at the same time, but refuse to watch it until I read the book).  I had my glass of wine (I figured I'd need a little support since they don't make a Cliff Notes version of Twilight) and opened the pages to get started.

After 10 pages, I fell asleep.

In the book's defense, I really don't think it was the story itself that put me to sleep but the fact that I'd been traipsing around the zoo that morning in 90 degree heat with two kids.  It could have been that I was just too comfortable.  Or it could have been that half bottle of Reisling as well.  I don't know.

I shared my thoughts on Facebook the next morning and little did I know that I had a little Twilight Support Group at my very own fingertips.

From my friend "T" - I was skeptical too and then I couldn't put it down....any of the 4! My kids didn't eat for days:)  (Ok, my kids may still eat, but I can drink my way through Twilight, right??  Are there any Twilight drinking games out there?)

From my friend "B" - Once you get to page 87ish you are in and there will be no returning. I have websites to visit to read... See More rated M versions since it is the only thing lacking in these stories. Can't a sparkly vampire get some?? Not before marriage, apparently. Whatever.  (There are rated versions of the book??  Rated M??  And I don't think I've ever used the words "sparkly" to describe a vampire -- EVER.  Love you B!)

From my friend "A" - Make sure you have New Moon at your fingertips the SECOND you're done with Twilight...  (My fingertips are twitching with anticipation)

In the end, I still haven't reached the magic page 87 yet and it's still slow going, but I'm determined to finish it and maybe hope to watch the movie without falling asleep. 

Guess I'll forgo the wine that night!


Krajcimama June 13, 2010 at 7:02 AM  

I read all the Twilight books...and fed my kids cereal for dinner a few nights while I was reading them - it was only 3 times...I think. I read all 4 books in a week. I am a pretty big reader, though. I also still like to imagine that I'm 17 (which I haven't been for a very long time!) and a teenage angsty love story about vampires is right up my alley.

Funny, when I was 17 I was reading Anne Rice vampire books - which are probably more appropriate for me to read now!

I think part of the appeal of the Twilight books for me was that my niece was reading them and she was so excited to share them with me. :) I'm totally Team Jacob btw...probably because I'm more a brains over bronze kinda gal. :)

Anonymous June 13, 2010 at 5:43 PM  

You won't regret caving into peer pressure on this one:) These books are awesome!!

I REALLY want to get involved in a MOPS group once hubby comes home from deployment, since I'm fairly new to this whole army thing. I hope I can find one in the ft. riley area!!

hartman June 13, 2010 at 8:35 PM  

the books are poorly written and kind of trashy. That said, I read all 4 in a week. I couldn't put them down! So, get through the first one -- it's worth it! :)

Vanessa June 14, 2010 at 12:10 AM  

I am REALLY interested to hear what you think when you're done, because I am like one of the LAST of my friends to have NOT read these books! Some even went to a midnight showing of the 2nd Twilight movie and will be at the midnight showing of the next one!

sdas June 14, 2010 at 5:27 AM  
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Truthful Mommy June 14, 2010 at 6:45 AM  

FIrst, I am chuckling about the MOPS Starbucks gathering because it has happened to me more times than I could count. No matter where I went or what I did, we ended up with at least 3+ MOPS Mommies at the same place.MOPS Mommies rock:)
AS for the Twilight series, I tried to read the first book but until I get that Ninja Mommy assistant that I am requesting, I just don't have the free time..ever. My kids ever seem to want to cooperate. I did see the first movie, it was pretty good but you can really tell from the dialogue that it is meant for teenagers. Good Luck. Many of my friends have read them and said they couldn't put them down.Happy MOtherhing!

Dawna June 14, 2010 at 7:37 AM  

I was a Harry Potter "junkie". I'll admit it, but, despite the fact, that my son has the books, I haven't caved where the Twilight series is concerned, and I don't see myself doing it any time soon either.

Wanted to thank you, again, for dropping by my blog and wanted to return the favor. Will be a follower in the future. :-)

visitoardc June 15, 2010 at 7:01 AM  

We love Twilight, too. I hope you enjoy them! Following from TTA! :)

Unknown June 15, 2010 at 7:03 AM  

Keep reading...if you're not hooked yet, you will be!! I just finished The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and will be blogging abt it later in the week! :) Following form TTA. :)

Anonymous June 15, 2010 at 7:54 AM  

I have to be honest - haven't gotten into Twilight at all. Maybe it's because the series got really big at the busiest point in my life - taking care of 2 babies under 2! But this summer might be the time since I get a little downtime to do some non-work-related reading!

BTW, I am your newest follower via Follow Me Back Tuesdays! Visit me at

Katie June 15, 2010 at 10:24 AM  

Like usual you have me in stitches, and you really described team edward versus the hairy dude perfectly. I have yet to read any books or see either movie. I picked up Twillight at the store and didn't get past the first page.

~*Nomie*~ June 23, 2010 at 6:22 AM  

Following you from Wednesday is Friends day!

I LOVE Twilight! I'm obsessed...Lol. I'm like most of these ladies here...fed my kids cereal, my poor hubby didn't get any affection those nights I was reading...I was hooked! Lol

Literary Winner June 23, 2010 at 7:16 AM  

Hi, I'm following you from Mama Zone's Wednesday is FriendsDay! I too resisted the whole Twilight thing until about last year. I'm currently saving the last book. Don't ask me why.

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

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